APPLY TO JOIN (application details)(PAID MEMBERSHIP)
An exclusive invitation to join…
How A Group Of Successful Entrepreneurs Is Defying The
“You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy!” Agenda…
And Winning.
If you’re among the 99% of the populace that gobbles up every scrap of B.S. fed to us by the propaganda arm of government (and you somehow still found your way here)… Please, do us a favor and click off this page right now.
But if you happen to be in the small minority of problem solvers, entrepreneurs and independent-minded souls who refuse to submit or play along… consider this your call to arms.
If you called bullsh*t to the “CONVID” fraud… Recognized that Putin probably didn’t just wake up one morning, have a brain fart – and randomly decide to attack his neighbor… That the climate fraud is nothing more than taxation and famine by another name… And that history books are written by the winners (aha… and who were the actual winners?)…
Then read on – you might have just found your tribe!
This is your invitation to join an exclusive, tight-knit group of fiercely independent entrepreneurs, investors, and problem solvers, that we call, The Mavericks Project!
The goal of the project is simple: We’re building a private community to create and preserve wealth during a time of extreme change!
If that’s a mouthful… you can just call it Financial Freedom.
Mavericks came together with an understanding that history has its cycles – and that they tend to have a rhythm.
Playing along with that rhythm is how we’ll front-run some of the huge opportunities guaranteed to show up as we navigate between the cracks of a failing empire.
This is not just about making and preserving money…
True wealth goes way beyond the financial.
The three most important factors for surviving times like these are: community, trusted connections and reliable information.
In a world where …
…The pharmaceutical industrial complex is trying to poison you…
…The industrial food complex (with its ultra-processed crap) is trying to poison you…
… And the approved channels of government-sponsored propaganda are out to poison your mind…
In a world like that, the foods you count on to nourish your body… the meds you either take (or avoid)… and the people you listen to are all forms of wealth.
… Community …
… Information freedom …
… Food freedom …
… Health freedom …
… Financial freedom …
That’s true wealth or in any case the foundation of building and preserving multi-generational wealth.
To get that kind of wealth and freedom you have to be building a life outside the system!
And that’s why we launched the Mavericks Project.
In the last few months, the Mavericks Project has taken on a life of its own – giving rise to the overwhelmingly optimistic mantra…
“What A Time
To Be Alive!”
If you now realize we’re never going back to the life you once lived…
If you’re determined to build a world where you get to live on your terms… a better world for our kids and grandkids…
If you refuse to compromise about genuinely thriving…
And if you refuse to passively watch while sociopathic parasites implement their plans for world domination and the enslavement of humanity…
We have strict criteria and we don’t let just anyone join.
Click the link below to read the Mavericks’ Creed.
If you agree, you’ll be sent to a short application page. Fill it out and if our team thinks you’re Mavericks material, someone will get back to you with the next steps.
A Few Caveats About Your
Application & Acceptance
We aren’t looking for just anyone. We want the cool hands and the smooth operators – no complainers or NPCs, please. We want contributors. We’re after the doers… the go-getters… the action-takers… the people who will get off their arse and break a sweat building a better world.
If you still think Mavericks is right for you, please read the three caveats below.
First, you’re expected you to adhere to the Mavericks’ Creed
(which you can read when you click the join button below).
Second, you should be willing to attend at least one in-person meetup in the coming 12-18 months.
The whole point of the Mavericks Project is to meet other successful, like-minded folks, form friendships, and build solutions to out-maneuver the dangers we face. Solutions to our collective challenges cannot happen via online discussions only. When you come to a Mavericks’ gathering you get to have deep conversations with other extraordinary people – enjoying each others’ company in real-time.
That’s why we want you to close your laptop, put down your phone and come meet your fellow Mavericks in person.
Third, we expect all our members to contribute.
We’re not building a fan club here. We want action-takers. If you have a suggestion or solution, we want to hear it. You should only join if you have a deep desire to contribute to the Mavericks Project community.
At the Mavericks Project, we don’t do gurus. We know the world is facing one hell of a difficult trial. No single individual will have every answer for all the many facets of the rolling crises we must navigate. That’s why we run Mavericks as a true mastermind where everyone contributes. So, don’t come empty-handed.
If you don’t yet know how to help yet, don’t worry. Our job as founders is to present a shared vision and sense of direction to get you started – which should be enough for anyone who’s read this far.
A New Model That Makes
The Old Model Obsolete
I’ll leave you with this thought…
The people you surround yourself with during the next five to ten years… the people you let into your world and who you call upon for help and guidance… The people you trust and support during the coming trials… Will matter more than anything and anyone you’ve done or met up to this point in your life.
Buckminster Fuller famously wrote:
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Our goal is for the Mavericks Project to be that new model – the one that makes the existing model obsolete.
The only way to build a better world is to get together with better people. If you’re disgusted by the ignorance and apathy you see around you, then you need to join Mavericks and come to our next live event.
Once you submit your application, someone will review it and get back to you.
What are the vital elements during a turning point?
You see, history is cyclical – repeating itself time and time again. The 99% don’t seem to realize this – or what’s about to happen. Nothing is new. What’s coming has already played out many times throughout history. And if you see these cycles and position oneself, opportunity strikes!
We’re not fortune tellers (as one of our founding partners says so eloquently: I have two balls and neither of them is crystal), however us Mavericks have a good sense of the inevitability of what’s coming and where we are in the cycle.
The corruption of the monetary system, always and inevitability creates a sovereign debt crisis, this always and inevitably leads to government tyranny, which leads to social unrest. Since power abhors a vacuum, any reshuffling of the global pecking order leads to a rise in geopolitical tensions. This cycle is always the same.
Mavericks came together with an understanding of these historical cycles – and that they tend to have a rhythm.
Playing along with that rhythm is how we’ll front-run some of the huge opportunities guaranteed to show up as we navigate between the cracks of a failing empire.
If you study other periods in history similar to ours, you’d likely conclude:
Community is critical. Building trusted connections, working on shared solutions, and having local action groups so you can cover your most fundamental needs like shelter, food, water, and energy are now far more important than the size of your retirement account.
Optionality and resilience are vital. The option to move physical locations with your assets in tow – while still meeting Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs – is critical.
Hard assets are the place to be. Agricultural land, cash-flowing real estate, food-producing land or businesses, commodities and energy, and debt-free real assets have proven throughout the ages to outperform financial assets during a monetary system reset.
Mavericks has been wildly successful in just our first few months because we made use of the “network effect.”
By identifying and enlisting people who are among the best in the world at what they do, we’ve made massive progress toward our goal of building a resilient, self-directed community. (See more below)
What is Mavericks Project and who is part of it?
Mavericks was built on the realization that strong, successful individuals need a way to combine forces.
In normal times, we Maverick are more than capable of succeeding alone. But these aren’t normal times.
We created Mavericks so strong individuals can band together… leave behind the NPCs… and get stuff done. So far, the results are spectacular.
Mavericks is not a centralized, top-down organization.
The Mavericks Project is a genuine mastermind – where everyone contributes and the best ideas get executed without bureaucratic time-wasting.
That’s our advantage. We Mavericks know how to get stuff done (as you’ll see in a moment).
We know there is far more power and efficiency in laying out a shared vision – and then “hiring” the best “talent” by letting you be the star who reaps the reward.
Our members are the crucial component of our success.
Mavericks Project members are successful, independent business owners… world travelers and connected insiders who move at the highest levels of business, finance, and yes, even government (don’t worry, our contacts are the ones who want to do business with you and reach an accommodation, not enslave you)…
Our members have medical skills… tech skills… construction and development skills… business know-how… investing insight and experience… legal know-how… and the simple ability to introduce you to other highly placed people who know how to get stuff done.
And one more thing…
We Mavericks understand that periods of massive disruption are also when once-in-a-century opportunities appear.
So when we say we’re building a society of action-takers to solve the problems of our time so we can live in and leave a better world to our children…
It is not an exaggeration.
Our global community of like-minded, independent thinkers and successful doers have the resources to get stuff done.
Now, we’re looking for more folks who fit that description.
In brief, if you’re a champion who doesn’t mind rolling up your sleeves to build our vision of a better world, we want to meet you.
If any of the above describes you – or the kind of person you’d like to become – then start your application.
We know the absolute best way to drive positive change is by creating value and building wealth.
If you’re a true Maverick, this way of thinking is in your genes.
You know that private property is the fundamental basis of responsibility…
That value isn’t ginned up out of thin air by a Central Bank…
And that capitalism is the only moral social system – because it forces everyone to contribute value to others.
And sorry to the corporate lackeys out there, an overwhelming majority of our members are self made entreprenuers, buisness owners or have had time in the trenches doing isht themselves. If you’ve made your career climbing the corporate ladder in some soulless corporation and you think this is the way out of the debt slavery system, then your likely in the wrong place. If your’ve fallen down the well and trying to climb out, maybe, just maybe, we can help you!
If any of the above describes you – then we want to hear from you.
Because you know that… if you don’t stand up now and be counted with those willing to work for a better future… What will you do? How will you live?
What will you tell your children and grandchildren when they ask what role you played in the great upheaval of the 2020s?
Will you stand down and let the bad guys win?
Or will you dig in and join forces with a clan of like-minded Mavericks who have the wits, resources and will to set off on the greatest adventure in modern times?
If you’re a Maverick, you already know no one is coming to save you.
And you sure as hell aren’t looking for anyone’s permission to save yourself.
This is your chance to surround yourself with other folks who share your beliefs and values.
This is your chance to build a better future with people you can depend on – whose values and motivations arise from the bonds of mutual support.
If you’re the kind of person who can be counted on when the seas get rough… the sky turns dark… and the wind whistles through the rigging…
We want to meet you and welcome you aboard.
Start your application to join the Mavericks Project by clicking the link below:
What do I get if I become a Mavericks Project member?
In just one year since launch, we achieved tremendously thanks to the key ingredient: our members and that’s the main value of becoming a member.
Should you be approved to join the Mavericks Project, you’ll get to enjoy benefits like:
Access To A Global Network of Action Takers: Access to a community of self-made Mavericks, entrepreneurs, and independent thinkers driven by a desire to build solutions and safeguards against the coming chaos.
In-Person Gatherings. You’ll be among the first to know about our live meetups happening around the world – where you’ll get to contribute your best solutions and hear solutions from other Mavericks.
Mavericks Members Forum: A censorship-resistant, private platform hosted on our own server so you can share and connect with your fellow Mavericks… post your questions… discuss any topic freely… and where solutions will be cataloged for easy reference. And ALL of it will happen without the growing dread of censorship or cancellation thanks to Mavericks’ libertarian tech team.
Webinars and Newsletters On Important Topics: We’ve already held webinars on ways to secure residency in “counter-jurisdictional” boltholes like Russia… “counter-cyclical” investments like the opportunity in Argentina… as well as trusted information on Health, Sports, Nutrition and Wellbeing, Homeschooling, Politics, Finance, Agriculture, and more. This is where our members can demonstrate their expertise and share solutions with the group.
Investments & International Structuring. Access to Mavericks Venture Partners deal flow and our exclusive advisory services for international diversification.
We started Mavericks because there are precious few places where successful folks can go be among their own kind – a place where you can surround yourself with other action-takers who share your values.
If you recognize the need to find your clan – so you can get busy executing plans for the future…
Then click below to read the Mavericks Creed. Once you agree, you’ll be sent a short application page. Fill it out completely and someone will review it and get back to you.
Does it cost anything to become a member?
There is an administrative fee of $295 year which is nothing compared to the value offered.
But if you think otherwise, you have 3 months of money-back guarantee. This means that if in the first 3 months of becoming a member, you consider that the value you get isn’t satisfactory, you can request your money back and we will refund you the fee.
NOTE: The cost is ONLY charged to you AFTER you are vetted in as a Mavericks member. First, you’ll have to apply to join.
If you expect to be told what to do, Mavericks is not the place for you.
In 2024, we’ve hosted four roof-raising Masterminds based on one simple premise:
…If you put successful, motivated, clear-thinking action-takers in a room together…sprinkle in a few good ideas… and turn them loose to solve the major problems we all face…
Magic happens.
Ideas are generated.
Opportunities appear.
And deals get done.
Holding to our core belief about the power of a mastermind, we ask members to donate ideas, inspirations, expertise and any successful solutions to the problems we all must overcome.
This egalitarian format has yielded impressive growth and progress.
At a Mavericks event, no one tells you what to do…
We simply pose the questions and offered a vision. Then, the group takes on issues like:
Which jurisdictions might be most secure for family members and family wealth?
How can we secure our food supply?
Where can we purchase income-producing assets like farmland and rental real estate?
How can we avoid the excesses of the medical industrial machine – and still reap the benefits of modern, high-tech care?
Where might Mavericks members plant a flag so we can all live near like-minded folks who share our values?
And so much more…
Our deep pool of talent has already created the “infrastructure” to help our members navigate these issues quickly and efficiently. This includes Mavericks Venture Partners™ and Sullivan Hart™: A “Five Flags” Law Firm.
The point is…
Mavericksknow how to get sh*t done!
If you want to be part of this network of Doers and Builders, click below to start your application to the Mavericks Project
At our inaugural event in Dubai, several members realized the need for alternative investments outside the debt-ridden mainstream financial system.
The result is Mavericks Venture Partners™ – our venture capital arm, sourcing deals and giving members the first crack and the best terms.
Mavericks Venture Partners has already raised millions for our first deal – an oil and gas infrastructure play at the heart of Argentina’s energy renaissance.
The growth in this remote region of Argentina’s high-plain desert is staggering right now – making it perfect for those who wish to diversify away from troubles in North America and Western markets.
Mavericks Venture Partners™ is now busily sourcing our next investment opportunities in Food & Agriculture, building food resilience and food security.
Mavericks Venture Partners is also working on solutions to our shared banking problems (hands up if you’ve been de-banked) & health problems (big shout out if you avoided the convid jabs and are avoiding the shills at big-ag, big-food and big-pharma).
If you like what you see and want to join Mavericks, click the link below to apply.
Tell me more about Sullivan Hart™: A “Five Flags” Law Firm
At our second event in Istanbul, members cried out for a legal team specializing in family office wealth protection… and “Five Flag” legal services that can quickly implement plan B internationalization – without breaking the bank.
The result is Sullivan Hart™ – a Mavericks sister company and law firm specializing in “Five Flags” legal and corporate advisory.
There are times (like right now) when it makes perfect sense to establish your own “Five Flags” structures.
If you’re holding all of your wealth – your primary home, stocks, bonds, crypto, precious metals, pension/retirement funds – in the same jurisdiction…
You’re making a bet against almost 3,000 years of recorded history. That’s not a bet any Maverick should be comfortable making. Well, you don’t have to.
The folks behind Sullivan Hart™ have decades of expertise to help you diversify internationally – without breaking the bank.
Right now, there’s a cottage industry of amateurs who charge fees ranging from $25K to $150K for basic things like:
Second residency and passport options…
Foreign corporate structures to hold your assets offshore like the rich do…
International tax structuring to protect you from your #1 risk… your home government.
And much, much more.
Sullivan Hart™ gives Mavericks members deep discounts costing a fraction of what the amateurs charge giving you access to one of the most experienced teams in the offshore industry.